This Year’s Fill The Bus School Supply Drive
For the numerous succeeding weeks, the Jane B. Weilenbeck Fund will be back in action and for this time, they will be gathering the different school supplies and some backpacks to give to the children who will really need those as they go to school this fall season
It will be an easier job than before because Fashion Bug in Cinnaminson will also exert their effort to cater the needs of the poor children this year.
Fashion Bug is setting up bins as well as collecting school supplies as a part of their Fill the Bus school supply drive which they will donate to the Cinnaminson School District.
The money is donated every single year while the backpacks as well as the school supplies are acquired for the qualified families and for the families who are part of the so called federal free and reduced lunch program.
The teachers were the ones who constructed and formulated the lists that contain the basic needs for school of the students such as the pens, glue, folders, sticks, notebooks, papers, pencils, and a lot more that are related to school supplies.
The shopping will be finish in August and the participating families will just pick out their backpacks. Those backpacks were filled with school supplies that the students need for the fall. In the previous year, one mom from Ireland participated on the program. Her name is Christine and she attended the previous year program with her four young children and she stated that it is really hard to get all the needs of their children but she honestly admitted that when she participated in the last year supply drive, it helped them a lot.
The Fill the Bus school supply drive does help a lot especially for the poor families who cannot afford to buy school supplies.
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